4 research outputs found

    Non-economic characteristics for the accounting in projects’ appraisal

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    The work presents the study of existing methods for accounting of non-economic parameters and indicators for the evaluation of projects in the world practice. The research method involves the collection and analysis of various aspects of this issue for the period from 1975 to March 2018 based on the Web of Science database. Based on 57 sources conducted research, there were revealed advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods of approaches, a group of non-economic evaluation criteria was identified, a technology for assessing existing approaches and a trend of integrated evaluation of projects were taken into account during the process of accounting for non-economic and economic indicators. The present work proposes a concept of a compromise assessment of projects in solving the set problem, which would combine the advantages of existing approaches and methods of world practice in impact assessment and project appraisal.peer-reviewe

    Innovation process and control function in management

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    Currently, in terms of the need to improve business competitiveness in world markets, the problem of innovative development and the control function of Russian enterprises becomes more relevant. The authors’ approach, revealing the role of management control in solving the problem of innovative development of an enterprise, is presented herein. As the main method of study, the multilevel approach is used, while the innovation process is explored in various representations. As a set of stages from an innovational concept to a market product; as a set of resources and motivations for the participants in an innovational project; as a set of rules and procedures aimed to achieving the goals and requiring constant monitoring. Managerial control is considered as a factor of integration of the conditions required for the successful implementation of an innovative project at the enterprise. For the integrated support of the innovative processes, the enterprise internal control system is proposed, based on the polyadministrative matrix structure and the frame functioning model of the enterprise using information technologies. The systems of internal control during innovative development, which is implemented in different conditions and in different national economic systems, are also considered. The advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to the organization of control over the innovation activity at the enterprise are revealed. The recommendations are formulated to improve the model of internal control in the conditions of innovative development of the enterprise.peer-reviewe


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    Актуализирована потребность рассмотрения  категории эффективности деятельности промышленного предприятия с точки зрения качественных характеристик. Раскрывается неразрывная связь человека и предприятия, на примере сравнительного анализа деятельности человека и деятельности промышленного предприятия. Изучаются модель деятельности предприятия и модель деятельности человека для выявления подобий и сходств.  Предполагается возможность, с целью внедрения в экономическую науку, использования методов, которые применяют научные направления, изучающие функционирование, жизнедеятельность и поведение человека.Actualized demand of manufactury company's efficiency from the point of quality charachteristics. Reveal unbreakable connection of man and organisation, on example of the comparative analysis of man's and manufacture company's activities. Studing models of company's and men's activities in order to reveal similarity. In order of their implementation to the economics assumes opportunity of using scientific methods, which use for studying functions, vital activities and behavior of the men


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    This article describes the concept of innovation and innovative projects. Based on research of domestic and foreign scientists it clarifies the concept of “innovation”.  After the analysis of the features of innovative projects the authors concluded that the innovative projects effectiveness evaluation should take into account non-economic indicators such  as social, ecological, resource, scientific and technological ones. The algorithm of innovative projects effectiveness evaluation taking into account non-economic indicators was modeled. This algorithm can be applied in innovative projects effectiveness evaluation undertaken by the Government of the Russian Federation and Russian funds that are rather interested in improvement of social, ecological, scientific and technological situation in the country and the region than in economic benefits.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-55В данной статье рассматриваются понятия «инновации» и «инновационного проекта». Опираясь на исследования отечественных и зарубежных ученых, уточняется понятие «инновации». На основе анализа особенностей инновационных проектов формулируется вывод, согласно которому при оценке эффективности инновационных проектов должны учитываться внеэкономические показатели такие, как социальные, экологические, научно-технические и ресурсные. Смоделирован алгоритм оценки эффективности инновационных проектов с учетом внеэкономических показателей. Данный алгоритм может найти применение при оценке эффективности инновационных проектов, реализуемых Правительством Российской Федерации или Российскими фондами, которые, в первую очередь, заинтересованы не в получении экономической выгоды, а улучшении имиджа государства, экологической, социальной и научно-технической ситуации в стране и в отдельно взятых регионах.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-5